Tuesday 21 April 2009

The Iron Council

Last night we continued further into Ulduar. We downed Thorim and the Iron Council, then made a couple of attempts at Mimiron before calling it. Mimiron is just awesome!

I wanted to go over a couple of key aspects of the Iron Council fight. Most of the strats I looked at did cover the necessity of Dispel Magic or the Pally's Cleanse, but what I want to stress is that this is a huge part of this fight.

We did this on normal mode in 10 man fighting Steelbreaker, Runemaster and Stormcaller in that order, (Biggest to smallest). The Raid comp was:

Prot Warrior
Frost DK
Holy Pally
Rest Druid
Disc Priest
Elemental Shaman
Arcane Mage
Unholy DK
Ret Pally

We put the DK Tank on Steelbreaker, and let the Prot Warrior tank the other two towards the back. The Holy Pally was on the Warrior, Disc Priest on the DK Tank and Resto Druid Raid Healing and hotting up the tanks during key abilities.

As a disc priest here, I had Steelbreaker targeted and watched for his Rune Punch ability that leaves a Debuff on the tank. If this is not dispelled immediately, you might as well just wipe it up. You may get lucky, but most of the time he would land this in conjunction with a Rune of Power and typically 1 shot the tank. So, targeting Steelbreaker you can see him cast Rune Punch, I would always have time to finish what I was doing and then hover over the DK's decursive icon and wait for the debuff so that I could dispel it before he was able to hit the tank again. That made this part of the fight trivial.

In between Rune Punch's the raid is taking damage so I would help out with that, especially our Pally healer who was chain healing the warrior tank. The warrior is taking huge amounts of damage, especially when Stormcaller casts Overload. It is important for the raid to stay out of range of overload, (it is easy to wander near him as Steelbreaker is getting kited away from Runes of Power if your raid isn't paying attention to their surroundings).

The DK then pulled Runemaster off the warrior, he was pretty pretty straight forward the biggest issue was the giant green runes of death he would lay down, but they were far enough between them to get some good DPS time in. The key thing to look out for here is while this is going on, the warrior tank had to keep a good eye on Stormcaller as he gains the ability to do Lightning Whirl which HAS to be interrupted. He is still taking Overload Damage. Usually the raid would take 1-3 hits of the Lightning whirl before it was interrupted, so be on your toes for this. One other point that caught us a little off guard was that the Runemaster is getting kited away from his Rune of death, and Stromcaller isn't moving much, the tanks need to be aware of this as we almost kited Runemaster into range of Stormcallers Overload. All in all, the raid isn't taking an incredible amount of damage at this point, just the warrior tank, topping off people hit by the lightning and slow DPS getting out of Rune of Death, (they have about 2 ticks without a heal and they will drop, if you can catch this, you might be able to save them with a quick heal/bubble, but they can't be healed through it.

Finally, Stormcaller, at this point, the only major obstacle is Overload. Melee needs to run when he casts it or it will wipe you. Periodically he will lift up in the air and randomly move towards people with lightning tentacles, but it didn't seem to hit very hard. You still don't want to stand in it.

Very fun fight, not hard to learn. Dispel Magic, heavy heals on the overload tank, and situational awareness is key to this fight.

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